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Doctors look at 3D medical imaging during an operation.


Orthopaedics is covered by Dr Markos Ioannou, Head of Orthopaedics, together with attending physicians. The professional collaboration between the disciplines of orthopaedics, rheumatology, traumatology and neurosurgery is well-rehearsed - and correspondingly successful thanks to its proximity to rehabilitation.

Orthopaedics team

Portrait photo of Dr med. (GR) Markos Ioannou

Dr. med. (GR) Markos Ioannou, PhD (Univ. Athen)

Head physician, Orthopaedics

Spital Zollikerberg
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

Portrait of a smiling man with glasses and a light blue shirt in front of a blurred background.

Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Boos

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Zentrum für Wirbelsäulenmedizin
Walchestrasse 15
8006 Zürich

Portrait photo of Dr Beat Wälchli

Dr. med. Beat Wälchli

Chief Physician, Clinic Management, Clinic for Spinal Surgery

Spital Zollikerberg
Klinik für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

Illustration of an anonymous male avatar with a white shirt.

Anthony Ghaffari, MD

Wirbelsäulenpraxis Dr. med. Beat Wälchli
Fachärztezentrum Prisma
Trichtenhauserstrasse 12
8125 Zollikerberg

Portrait photo of PD Dr med. Nils H. Ulrich

PD Dr. med. Nils H. Ulrich

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Prodorso AG
Zentrum für Wirbelsäulenmedizin
Walchestrasse 15
8006 Zürich

Portrait photo of Dr Judith Fellmann

Dr. med. Judith Fellmann

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Praxis Balance
Forchstrasse 84
8008 Zürich

Portrait of a smiling man with medium-length hair and open shirt in an office environment.

Dr. med. Philipp Frey

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Arthrose Clinic Zürich / Sportpermanence
Schulter- & Ellbogenchiurgie
Dr. med. Philipp Frey
Toblerstrasse 51
8044 Zürich

Portrait photo of Dr Michael Glanzmann

Dr. med. Michael Glanzmann

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Endoclinic Zürich
Witellikerstrasse 40
8032 Zürich

Smiling doctor with coat and striped tie in hospital.

Dr. med. Jürgen Klasen

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Wirbelsäulen- und Schmerz-Clinic Zürich
Witellikerstrasse 40
8032 Zürich

Portrait photo of Dr Thomas Ledermann

Dr. med. Thomas Ledermann

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Praxis Balance
Forchstrasse 84
8008 Zürich

Portrait of a smiling man with a white shirt and striped tie.

Dr. med. Massimo A. Leonardi

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Orthopädie Zentrum Zürich
Seestrasse 259
8038 Zürich

Portrait of a smiling male doctor with glasses and a green tie.

Dr. med. univ. Kourosh Modaressi

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Orthopädische Chirurgie Zürich
Institut für Gelenk- und Sportchirurgie
Seefeldstrasse 66
8008 Zürich

Portrait of a smiling doctor in a white coat against a blurred background.

Dr. med. Felix Rapp

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Endoclinic Zürich
Witellikerstrasse 40
8032 Zürich

Illustration of an anonymous male avatar with a white shirt.

Dr. med. Michel Schneider

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Rückenpraxis Seefeld
Seefeldstrasse 277a
8008 Zürich

Illustration of an anonymous male avatar with a white shirt.

Dr. med. Christophe Spormann

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Endoclinic Zürich
Witellikerstrasse 40
8032 Zürich

Smiling doctor in a white coat in front of a blurred background.

Dr. med. Gregor Szöllösy

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Gladbachstrasse 95
8044 Zürich

Illustration of an anonymous male avatar with a white shirt.

Dr. med. Christoph Weber

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Neurochirurgie - Dr. med. Christoph Weber
Bürglistrasse 29
8002 Zürich

Portrait photo of Dr Daniel Wüst

Dr. med. Daniel Wüst

Attending physician, Orthopaedics

Orthopädie Wüst
Stampfenbachstrasse 48
8006 Zürich

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