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Our spine practice Dr Wälchli

Our practice specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system." Dr. med. Dr. of Chiropractic Beat Wälchli, Head of the Spine Practice

Diseases of the spine manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms and pain. Acute back or neck pain that radiates into the arms or legs often indicates a slipped disc. Tingling in the arms and legs or sudden weakness are also typical signs. Walking pain, on the other hand, often indicates a narrowing of the spinal canal, while frequent blockages suggest a spondylolisthesis. Our practice specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the entire spine.

The services of the spinal practice

Our spine practice in the PRISMA specialist centre

We utilise our expertise and experience as well as the diverse possibilities of modern medicine and diagnostics to provide you with optimal treatment and care. Together with the Zollikerberg Hospital and the RehaClinic Zollikerberg, we can offer patients from all insurance classes personalised care, professional nursing and the infrastructure of a modern hospital in the event of an operation.

Management and organisation of the spine practice

Portrait photo

Dr. med. Beat Wälchli

Chief Physician, Clinic Management, Clinic for Spinal Surgery

Spital Zollikerberg
Klinik für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie
Trichtenhauserstrasse 20
8125 Zollikerberg

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Spinal practice