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Neurology deals with the nervous system, its diseases and their medical treatment. In this specialist area, we work together with specialists who run a neurology practice on our hospital premises.

The neurological practice group has a special focus on dizziness disorders. The specialists differentiate between three types: Directional vertigo, which can manifest itself as spinning, swaying and lifting vertigo and is often caused by a disorder in the inner ear, the organ of balance; non-directional vertigo, which can also have various other causes in addition to neurological causes; and gait instability, which is also due to a disorder of the vestibular system. Investigations, diagnosis and treatment are carried out following a referral from your GP.

Our consultants in the field of neurology

Portrait photo

PD Dr. med. Sarah Marti

Consultant physician, Neurology

Neurologische Praxis Zollikerberg
Fachärztezentrum Prisma
Trichtenhauserstrasse 12
8125 Zollikerberg

Portrait photo

Dr. med. Valérie Zumsteg

Consultant physician, Neurology

Neurologische Praxis Zollikerberg
Fachärztezentrum Prisma
Trichtenhauserstrasse 12
8125 Zollikerberg

Portrait photo

Dr. med. Miroslava Bjeljac

Surgery-supporting doctor, Neurology

Kappellistrasse 35
8002 Zürich

Portrait photo

Gertraut Lindemann

Surgery-supporting doctor, Neurology

Swiss Scoliosis
Seestrasse 220
8027 Zürich