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Recognition award for our volunteer work

January 13, 2025

Our volunteer work has been recognised! The "Group on call" at Gesundheitswelt Zollikerberg has received the recognition award at the end of 2024 from the foundation Hilfe für betagte Menschen in Bedrängnis. We are delighted to receive this honour.

Elderly woman with glasses and floral dress receives care from a carer.

Being there until the end

A resident of the Magnolia care home was in the last phase of his life. His wish was not to be alone. Brigitte, a volunteer, stayed by his side, held his hand and gave him peace and closeness. Eventually he fell asleep peacefully. After his death, his relatives thanked Brigitte. The shared conversation was touching and showed how valuable this support was.
The recognition award makes us proud. It shows how much good our volunteers do. We would like to thank everyone who is involved with us and look forward to welcoming anyone who is interested in this work.

Would you like to volunteer yourself? Click here for more information.

The "group on call" helps when quick and uncomplicated support is needed. The volunteers are flexible, empathetic and reliable whenever they are needed. The following two examples show what such assignments look like:

A companion for Mrs Keller

Mrs Keller (name changed) came to the Neumünster Park residence and care home with dementia and great anxiety. She was often nervous and anxious. Our volunteers helped her to settle into her new surroundings. They were especially there for Mrs Keller in the evenings: they ate together, helped her to calm down and stayed with her until she fell asleep. And they listened to music together, which noticeably improved Mrs Keller's well-being.
After four months, Mrs Keller felt more secure in her new surroundings. Our volunteers still visit her regularly today.

Urkunde für den Anerkennungspreis 2024, verliehen an Gesundheitswelt Zollikerberg für freiwilliges Engagement zugunsten betagter Menschen.

Being there until the end

A resident of the Magnolia care home was in the last phase of his life. His wish was not to be alone. Brigitte, a volunteer, stayed by his side, held his hand and gave him peace and closeness. Eventually he fell asleep peacefully. After his death, his relatives thanked Brigitte. The shared conversation was touching and showed how valuable this support was.
The recognition award makes us proud. It shows how much good our volunteers do. We would like to thank everyone who is involved with us and look forward to welcoming anyone who is interested in this work.

Would you like to volunteer yourself? Click here for more information.

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