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Woman in white T-shirt holds hand on chest, pain or discomfort gesture.


Understanding panic attacks: What triggers them and how to counter them

Panic attacks are like sudden storms in the soul - they strike unexpectedly, unleashing a wave of intense fear and often leaving confusion and uncertainty in their wake. But what exactly is a panic attack, how are they diagnosed and treated, and what can sufferers do to deal with them? To delve deeper into this topic, we spoke to Dr Ruedi Schweizer, Medical Director of our Centre for Mental Health.

Woman with pink breast cancer awareness ribbon.


Can psycho-oncological support improve the chances of recovery or the quality of life of breast cancer patients?

In psycho-oncological topics, you and your relatives will be accompanied through all phases of the illness by experienced psychologists specialising in psychotherapy and specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapy. In this way, we can provide relief, give courage and open up new perspectives. Dr Ruedi Schweizer, our expert in psycho-oncology and Medical Director of the Centre for Mental Health, explains in the following video.

Magnifying glass shows uterus symbol, surrounded by health icons, pink background.


Focus on women's health: An interview with Dr Julia Graf, specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics

On International Women's Day, we would like to focus on women's health. To this end, we met with Dr Julia Graf, an experienced specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics and senior physician at the Women's Clinic, to talk about various aspects of women's health.

Elderly woman with an oxygen tube in a hospital bed holds her granddaughter while an elderly man looks on lovingly.


Information and quality of life in palliative care

In this second part of the interview with Gesa Betcke, we shed light on the development of palliative care, clear up misunderstandings and show that palliative care focuses on quality of life right up to the end.


Palliative care with empathy and expertise

Gesa Betcke is co-head of the specialised care ward and has been with us for almost 13 years. In this interview, she sheds light on the most important aspects, principles and goals of palliative care.
Learn more
Ärztin führt Hauttest bei Patientin durch.


The menopause from the perspective of complementary medicine

A FOKUS interview with PD Dr Daniela Paepke: Our expert shares her recommendations and practical advice for women in transition.
Zwei Frauen umarmen sich herzlich, eine davon trägt ein Kopftuch, thematisches Icon mit dem Wort 'Brustkrebs' in der Ecke.


Psycho-oncology for breast cancer

Our medical director of the Centre for Mental Health, Dr Ruedi Schweizer, is happy to take the time to answer frequently asked questions about the mental health of breast cancer patients.
Person hält Stift an eine medizinische Abbildung im Lehrbuch mit Thema Brustkrebs.


Treatment methods for breast cancer

What types of breast cancer are there and how can they be treated? Prof. Dr Hisham Fansa, Head of the BreastCentre Zurich at Zollikerberg Hospital, provides in-depth insights in this interview.
Senior stretches during outdoor training


Life after a heart attack: what happens next?

Dr Sarah Spalinger, MD, explains everything you need to know about the time after a heart attack. Read the interview and find out how you can actively contribute to your recovery.