Fatigue seminars
Fatigue (chronic tiredness) in patients has various causes and can occur as a result of cancer treatment. Many cancer patients experience this fatigue during or after treatment, which can last for years.
Do you suffer from chronic tiredness and exhaustion? We are familiar with these symptoms and they can occur as a side effect of various illnesses. For example, in connection with cancer, viral diseases or psychosocial stress. Our Centre for Integrative, Complementary Medicine & TCM (ZIMT) offers a six-part seminar for patients who suffer from persistent fatigue, lack of energy and lack of drive. We will help you to find your own individual way of dealing with fatigue in everyday life.
Course dates and location
Tuesdays, from 10.00 to 12.00 a.m.
Brunnenhofsaal, Neuweg 12, 8125 Zollikerberg
Course costs
CHF 300
- Recognising and understanding the causes of fatigue
- Familiarising yourself with different treatment options and approaches
- The role of integrative complementary medicine, nutrition and exercise in alleviating fatigue
- Regaining quality of life through mindfulness
- Dealing with stressful feelings
- Time and energy management
- Gaining strength through compresses and external applications
Course times
Tuesdays from 16.00 to 18.00 hrs
Course costs
CHF 300 (6 units)
Course venue
Brunnenhof hall
Neuweg 12
8125 Zollikerberg
Course costs
CHF 300
- PD Dr Daniela Paepke, senior physician at the Women's Clinic, naturopathic procedures, anthroposophic medicine
- Irene Brenneisen, qualified nursing specialist DN II, patient coach, psycho-oncological counsellor SGPO, ZIMT
- Daniela Facchin, Head of Nutritional Counselling, Therapy Centre
- Stefanie Kratochwille, Occupational Therapist, Therapy Centre
- Sales Meier, qualified theologian, hospital chaplaincy
- Sophia German, Group Leader Physiotherapy Medicine, Therapy Centre
- Rahel Bucher, MSc, Head Psychologist, Centre for Mental Health
- PD Dr Daniela Paepke, Senior Physician at the Women's Clinic, naturopathic procedures, anthroposophic medicine (link)
- Irene Brenneisen, qualified nurse DN II, patient coach, psycho-oncological counsellor SGPO, ZIMT (link)
- Daniela Facchin, Head of Nutritional Counselling, Therapy Centre (link)
- Stefanie Kratochwille, Occupational Therapist, Therapy Centre (link)
- Silvana Tenini, qualified nurse, ward manager, Dialysis Centre (link)
- Sales Meier, qualified theologian, hospital chaplaincy (link)
- Sophia German, Group Leader Physiotherapy Medicine, Therapy Centre (link)
- Ruedi Schweizer, Medical Director, Centre for Mental Health (link)
- Rahel Bucher, MSc, Head Psychologist, Centre for Mental Health (link)
Online course enrolment
We look forward to welcoming you soon.
Monday to Friday:
8.00 - 12.00
13.30 - 16.30
Praxiszentrum Zollikerberg
Trichtenhauserstrasse 2
8125 Zollikerberg