Quality assurance
We use various instruments to continuously ensure the quality of our services. Important partners in quality assurance are our employees and external organisations such as the Association for Quality Assurance in Surgery (AQC) and the Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP). Participation in various medical registers and membership of specialist associations round off our approach to quality assurance.
Critical Incident Reporting System (CIRS)
Since February 2010, we have had an internal reporting system for critical incidents (CIRS). Our employees have the opportunity to report critical incidents anonymously. The CIRS officers (system managers) analyse these reports and initiate periodic discussions of the reports received. In collaboration with the employees, we develop suggestions for improvement and forward these to the management level for review, approval and implementation. The CIRS officers from all clinics and departments take part in the patient safety conference. This enables us to discuss and solve cross-clinic problems.
Registers and monitoring
Registers and monitoring programmes of specialist associations make a long-term contribution to quality assurance. This anonymised data is collected and evaluated at national level in order to identify long-term and supra-regional trends. We participate in the following registers:
- Swiss Anaesthesia Database (A-QUA CH)
- Working Group for Quality Assurance in Surgery (AQC)
- Eurocrine - Swiss Society for Endocrinology and Diabetology
- Infreporting - Reporting system for notifiable communicable diseases
- Cancer registry of the cantons of Zurich, Zug, Schaffhausen and Schwyz
- Minimal Data Set of Switzerland (MDSi), Swiss Society for Intensive Care Medicine (SGI)
- Neonatal Registry - Swiss Neonatal Network & Follow-up Group
- Swiss Paediatric Kidney Registry (SPNR)
- Swiss Implant Registry (SIRIS)
- Swiss Neuropaediatric Stroke Registry (SNPSR)
- Swiss Renal Registry and Quality Assessment Programme (SRRQAP)
- SWISSspine Register
- Swiss Paediatric Cancer Registry (SKKR)
- Swiss Monitoring of Potential Donors (SwissPOD)
- Swiss Paediatric Surveillance Unit (SPSU)
- Swissnoso Surgical Site Infections (SSI)
Interdisciplinary conference for patient safety
Every two months, representatives from all clinics and departments take part in a patient safety conference. At this conference, they discuss safety-relevant events and develop specific measures. The clinic and department managers are actively involved in the conferences and implement numerous improvements immediately.