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BreastCentre Zurich

Our specialised breast care nurses and psycho-oncologists are on hand to provide you with targeted support to help you cope with your changed life situation and provide you with comprehensive care.

Holistic support for breast diseases

Breast Care Nurse in conversation with a breast cancer patient

Psycho-oncological support

The diagnosis of breast cancer is often a shocking experience for those affected and those close to them. Their own identity, self-image and understanding of their role can be shaken, and existential questions may also arise. Feelings of insecurity, fear, sadness, anger and powerlessness are common reactions.

In addition to the physical consequences, there are always psychological and social aspects to cancer. These interact with each other in complex ways. Modern treatment considers the person as a whole and in their respective context. For this reason, care at the Breast Centre Zurich is provided by various disciplines and always in an interprofessional team.

Experienced psychologists specialising in psychotherapy and specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapy accompany you and your relatives through all phases of the disease when it comes to psycho-oncological issues. In this way, we can provide relief, give courage and open up new perspectives.

Psycho-oncology services are provided by the Centre for Mental Health, which is run by the Hohenegg Private Clinic in close cooperation with Zollikerberg Hospital.

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Our Breast Care Nurse accompanies you on your journey

Breast cancer can cause anxiety that often overwhelms those affected and their closest confidants. During this challenging phase, they look for clear information, understanding and personalised support. Our Breast Care Nurse, an experienced carer with specific training in the field of breast cancer, is a competent point of contact. She offers not only professional but also emotional support for those affected and their relatives.

The Breast Care Nurse is actively at your side throughout the course of the disease and also in the post-therapy phase. As an important reference person, she will take time for your questions and concerns in care consultations. In consultation with you, our Breast Care Nurse will advise, train and support you in specific areas such as fatigue, lymphoedema prophylaxis, nausea, anxiety and hair loss.

She also provides contacts and works closely with relevant specialist services, including psycho-oncology, social services and the Cancer League.

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Arzt im Gespräch mit Patient in heller Praxis.

Psycho-oncological support

The diagnosis of breast cancer is often a shocking experience for those affected and those close to them. Their own identity, self-image and understanding of their role can be shaken, and existential questions may also arise. Feelings of insecurity, fear, sadness, anger and powerlessness are common reactions.

In addition to the physical consequences, there are always psychological and social aspects to cancer. These interact with each other in complex ways. Modern treatment considers the person as a whole and in their respective context. For this reason, care at the Breast Centre Zurich is provided by various disciplines and always in an interprofessional team.

Experienced psychologists specialising in psychotherapy and specialists in psychiatry and psychotherapy accompany you and your relatives through all phases of the disease when it comes to psycho-oncological issues. In this way, we can provide relief, give courage and open up new perspectives.

Psycho-oncology services are provided by the Centre for Mental Health, which is run by the Hohenegg Private Clinic in close cooperation with Zollikerberg Hospital.

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Your contact persons

Portrait photo

Jennifer Bucher

Breast Care Nurse, BreastCentre Zurich, Bethanien & Zollikerberg

Spital Zollikerberg
BrustCentrum Zürich, Bethanien & Zollikerberg
Trichtenhauserstrasse 12
8125 Zollikerberg

Portrait photo

Dr. med. Ruedi Schweizer

Medical Director, Centre for Mental Health

Zentrum für psychische Gesundheit
Privatklinik Hohenegg | Spital Zollikerberg
Trichtenhauserstrasse 12
8125 Zollikerberg

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